category: Prayer

An Open Letter to Wisdom

By Rachael Keefe

This week I am adding a bonus post. I really struggled with how to capture in words my thoughts and feelings entangled in the lectionary readings and various events of the week. I really should know by now that when this happens and I cannot express things in prose, I …

An Open Letter to Wisdom

This week I am adding a bonus post. I really struggled with how to capture in words my thoughts and feelings entangled in the lectionary readings and various events of the week. I really should know by now that when this happens and I cannot express things in prose, I should step back and let a more poetic expression take place. This has happened over the course of my day today and inspiration has shaped what follows. It is part poetry, part prayer but a more authentic representation of what eluded me in yesterday’s post.

Dearest Wisdom,

You hovered over creation’s waters and spoke Logos into being. Through you all things came into being and your dance honored all that is. You continuously cry out to human beings in market places, in war places, in sick places, in desperate places, in powerful places, in lonely places, and in all other places. Please, O Beautiful One, do not turn from us when we fail to respond to your cries. Do not mock us when we think our foolishness is righteousness or laugh when we think we are wise.

You are a perfect mirror for the Holy One’s light and goodness. You are the Feminine often lost and forgotten in the language of the Father. You were watchful when light burst forth from darkness. You rejoice when beauty and innocence are celebrated and protected. You danced in joy and glory when the first stars shown in the heavens,  and you long to dance freely in our world once again. Be gracious to us for no reason other than that we are simple creatures who think ourselves complex beyond knowing. Forgive our foolishness and touch us with your passion.

Holy Wisdom, open us to your cries once again. Do not tolerate our willfulness, our self-centeredness, or our ignorance. Let your cries reach the depths of our beings. You do not accept violence, war, or injustice under any circumstances, but especially when committed in the name of anyone’s God. You are wounded each time a person chooses power over others rather than justice and transformation for others. You fade from our world a little more every time profit drives our choices rather than compassion and stewardship.

Wisdom, Divine Mystery and Promise, do not abandon your people in this time of great need. Draw us into your presence more fully that we may worship you with whole hearts. Let us not be deceived by Names rendered more powerful by Tradition less sacred than you are. Open our eyes, our hearts, and our minds – yes, open our minds – to your long-hidden presence. You are Creator. You are Father. You are Mother. You are Christ. You are.

Wrap us with your mercy and grace. Let us follow in your way of justice, peace, and love for all peoples in all places. Guide us to a day without war – here or there or anywhere. Teach our tongues to be slow to speak and our ears to be adept at hearing truth in all situations, with all people. Strengthen our resolve to make room for you in our lives that our words and actions may reflect your Word and deeds in this world.

With you, nothing is impossible. In the words of the old hymn, “Grant us Wisdom, grant us courage, For the facing of this hour, For the facing of this hour.”

Amen and Amen.

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About Rachael Keefe

Rachael is an author, a pastor, a teacher, and a poet. Her latest book (The Lifesaving Church - Chalice Press) is on faith and suicide prevention. She is currently the pastor of Living Table UCC in Minneapolis, and has launched a spiritual direction practice.

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