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category: Poetry

A Holy Way

By Rachael Keefe

This poem is based on the Isaiah text and is on pg. 81 of my book, A Circle in the Dark: Daily Meditations for Advent, Wipf & Stock, 2011. A Holy Way When will we be still and listen? We busy ourselves with so little that matters, sowing more discord than peace. …

A Holy Way

This poem is based on the Isaiah text and is on pg. 81 of my book, A Circle in the Dark: Daily Meditations for Advent, Wipf & Stock, 2011.

more treesA Holy Way

When will we be still and listen?
We busy ourselves with so little
that matters, sowing more discord
than peace.

You make no distinction among the nations,
fools and travelers alike are invited to find
asylum in You, obtaining joy and gladness
along the way.

Left to our own devises we build dividing
lines, weapons of destruction, definitions
of deserving, and roadblocks for any
seeking justice.

You proclaim something else entirely
breaking bows and bombs, ending war,
naming all redeemed, dismantling
our differences.

We are in trouble, believing we can stop
tumultuous times with weapons of safety
and wars of justice, seeking refuge in
lesser gods.

Still You welcome fools.  Teach us
to be still in the uproar, letting sorrow
and sighing flee from Your presence
right now.

Let us make a Holy Way in our midst
where all may find refuge and strength.

RCL – Year A – Third Sunday of Advent – December 15,2013
Isaiah 35:1-10
Psalm 146:5-10 or Luke 1:47-55
James 5:7-10
Matthew 11:2-11

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