I am heading to the East Coast for a combination of work and vacation. As I am preparing to leave, I am haunted by Jesus’ commandment that we agape one another. By this we will be known as Jesus’ disciples. In these times where hatred and fear seem prevalent, it would be something for Christians to be known by unconditional, limitless, steadfast love for all peoples.
I leave you with this poem from my book Barefoot Theology: A Dictionary for Pilgrims, Priests, & Poets:
God loves without condition
remaining steadfast when people choose
anything and everything else to worship
God waits for each one of us
without ever giving up
Jesus walked this world and spoke of peace
reaching out to the unreachable
healing the untouchable
opening the eyes of those blind
to holy ways
When the world could tolerate
this Love Incarnate no longer
the man was crucified
so that we might live more fully
knowing God’s unconditional love for us
revealing the Christ in humanity
making us all equal when seen
through Sacred eyes
To speak words of love is not enough
our call is to live in the Word of Love
recognize the value bestowed on us
by the One whose breath we breathe
in whose likeness we are made
Let us set aside all our conditions,
rules, and regulations
we think keep us safe
yet only mask our fears and hide us
from ourselves and our neighbors
let us step into the arms patiently
waiting for us
arms wide enough
to embrace the world
God thinks you and I are worthy
of Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection
May this truth startle us into living
Love without conditions
well beyond our usual limits
RCL – Year C – Fifth Sunday of Easter – Mays 19, 2019
Acts 11:1-18
Psalm 148
Revelation 21:1-6
John 13:31-35
Photo: CC0 image by free photos