Lifesaving Church In-Person Author Event Page

category: Poetry

Election Response 2024

By Rachael Keefe

A reflection on the election and what comes next

Election Response 2024

under the exhausted numbness
fear quivers
behind my truth-filled words
worry lurks
beneath the façade of hope
despair awakens

lamentations have a place
honesty of feeling
makes us fierce

racism won
misogyny won
hatred won
Empire won

God did not do this
God’s hands were not in this
God’s will was not fulfilled

Human beings did this
White people did this
Men did this
Women, too, White women

I am afraid
not for me (I have resources enough)
for my neighbors
for the vulnerable ones
for the Black and Brown ones
for the immigrants and the ill
for the elders and the queer and trans
for all those who thought we would do better

I am afraid
not for my future (I am old enough)
for the young ones and the vulnerable one
who will show them Love is stronger than Hate?
who will teach them to value all life, all Creation?
who will remind them of loving kindness?
who will save them from hateful destruction and despair?

I will.
You will.
We will.

Together we are enough.

we know the undeniable truth now
too many (white) people believe
hateful, fearful, greedful rhetoric
and embrace racism and misogyny
and all the other fear-based isms

too many (so-called) Christians have mistaken
empire for church
politicians for prophets
and a mythical, romanticized past
for a future yet to come

for those of us who know better
now is the time to do better
we will shower the world around us
with Love
with Mercy
with Kindness
with Hope

today I lament
tomorrow I resume
living Love out loud
with acts of compassion
and using any power and position I have
to elevate those who have less

one person at a time
one protest at a time
one day at a time

we can do this
there is a better way

Joy will come in the morning
our work has not changed
we are still tasked with bringing Love into the world

maybe more will feel the urgency
maybe more will turn their inconsolability
into fierce acts of loving-kindness


it will be enough
to separate the ways of Empire
from Holy Ways

and awaken a new heaven and new earth
especially for the vulnerable ones
who have waited long enough


it’s up to me
and you
and us
