Lifesaving Church In-Person Author Event Page

category: Poetry

Sacred Darkness: A Poem for Advent 3C

By Rachael Keefe

This poem was written for the Third Sunday in Advent 2024 after reflection on Luke 3:7-16 and Isaiah 58:9b-12.

Sacred Darkness: A Poem for Advent 3C

Life begins in the sacred darkness of the womb.
How have we come to fear the dark,
dark that all life needs for rest, renewal, rebirth
after we enter this world?

We let darkness divide us-
everything from the long hours of night
to the increase in melanin
stirs fear and creates distance.

Yet God calls us into the breach,
the great void that feeds
all our fears,
nurtures our distrust,
whispers lies of power and privilege,
confirms narratives of supremacy,
and justifies disregard for our neighbors.

This breach, this void, is deep,
deep beyond measure.
And, yes, it is dark and harbors danger.

Still, we are called to be repairers of this breach.
We are called to transform the foolish,
Empire-fed notions of darkness and
embrace the embryonic Light
that grows, even now, in
the deep darkness.

Let us repent of all our fears and foolishness
and ensure that our repentance is worthy
enough to bear fruit to nurture
a fractured, divided, and hate-filled world.

We who follow Christ,
who seek to welcome God into the world,
into our lives, anew,
we must embrace the sacred dark,
live in the breach,
and shine the Light
of healing and hope
to dispel the fear
and the division
and the disregard.

This is our work to do.
And in the doing,
there is joy
in connection,
in relationship,
in community,
in the One who is We
and teaches us
that Love knows
no limits.