Lifesaving Church In-Person Author Event Page

A Widow’s Mite and Escaping Empire: A Stewardship Sermon on Mark 12:38-44

Stewardship Sermon on Mark 12:38-44

Living Table UCC, the congregation I serve as pastor, is on the brink of doing a whole new thing. We spent years in conversation with other congregations to discern the shape of our future. This summer, we sold our building. Soon we will move into a newly remodeled church building with two other congregations. We … Read More

Celebrating Abundance: A Calendar for Lent 2021

Lent is different this year. I created a calendar that highlights abundance during this barren, wilderness season for Living Table United Church of Christ. Each day the cost highlights something many people take for granted. May you find life in the deserted places and encounter God in the depths between brokenness and healing.

Hate is Not a Human Value

With the news of Jordan Edwards’ death echoing the deaths of so many others, I find myself asking where all the fear and hatred has come from. It is not hard to answer this question from a sociological perspective or a historical one. I could even make a stab at a psychological explanation. What I … Read More