Bidding Prayer for New Life


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Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
God of all, you would have us all be called into new life. Remove from us the temptation to mistake our words for yours and grant us the courage to step away from death and darkness into the joys of life in your light.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us pray for the United Church of Christ, here and elsewhere.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
Enduring and persisting God, remind us of the power of your breath. You have led your people through deserts and wilderness lands filled with despair and confusion; you lead us still. In these years of transition and change, make us mindful that you are a God of life, a God who reanimates dry dusty bones and calls the dead to live again. You are doing this for the church even now. Let us not be afraid of the power of your breath and the wonders that come to us on the winds of change. We thank you for all those called to lead the United Church of Christ, especially for Geoffrey Black our minister and president, Gary Schulte our conference minister, and all those gathered here. Breathe again on the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ so that all that is dry and dusty may come to life anew.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us pray for all the peoples of the world.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
God whose image every person bears, show us how to share the burdens of all your people that we may also particpate in their joys. Too many people and nations know only war and the devastation left in its wake. Show us how to achieve the impossible – a world of peace and justice for all your children. Only with our hands will there be enough food, water, medicine, and safety for those whose lives are at risk. In you we know that the only power we ought to share with one another is the love and compassion that will save innocent lives. Call us out of complacency into a world of light and possibility.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us pray for our nation and those who lead it.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
Patient and loving God, we know that your love is for the whole of creation and that our nation is just one of many. We are blessed with an abundance that we take for granted and don’t always understand. Because we have been gifted with much, much is asked of us in the world. Lead us to a place of balance where needs are met and strangers are welcomed without fear or resentment. Be with all those who lead this country, especially Barak Obama. Guide them and each of us in all decisions that one day all our dry valleys will rise up with new life.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us pray for all those who are in need of healing.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
God who calls into life, we lift up to you all who are struggling for health of body, mind, or spirit. How often we turn away from those in need, forgetting that when we do, we turn away from you. Just as you led Ezekiel to prophesy to a valley of dry bones, so lead us to be agents of grace, healing, and new life to all who are in need.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us pray for all those who grieve.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
Living, amazing God, as much as we may long for you to call our loved ones back from death as you did for Lazarus, we trust that they rest in you even while our own hearts are heavy with grief. We lift up to you all those who mourn, especially those whose loved ones were murdered or died by suicide or other sudden, unexpected deaths. Heal the brokenhearted and remind us that not even death can separate us from your love.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope.

Let us give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)
God who calls each of us to new life, we worship you and sing your praises. Remove from us all that prevents us from experiencing the fullness of life in you that we may overflow with joy and gratitude. We are the body of Christ in this place and we offer ourselves to you that your breath might fill us, and we will have the courage to leave all darkness behind. We pray in Christ’s name.
We wait for God, our souls wait,
and in God’s word we hope. Amen.

RCL – Year A – Fifth Sunday in Lent
Ezekiel 37:1-14
Psalm 130
Romans 8:6-11
John 11:1-45

Bidding Prayer for the First Sunday of Advent – Hope

bidding prayer for first sunday Anvent hope

Come, let us pray for Church throughout the world.
            People may quietly voice their prayers
God of the wakeful and the exhausted, we lift our prayers to you in the light of hope. As we begin our preparations to honor Christ’s coming anew, make us mindful of others whose names for you may differ from ours. In our desire to worship and celebrate you, we want to do so truthfully, allowing your light to shine through us. As we enter this season of light, we lift up to you the darkness of our world.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us pray for the United Church of Christ gathered here and elsewhere.
People may quietly voice their prayers
God of all churches and peoples, hear our prayers for the United Church of Christ—it’s leaders, pastors, teachers, members, and friends. May all that we do bring the light of hope into the world. You have blessed us with a vision of unity and a call to work for justice in the world. In gratitude for your grace and your guidance, we ask that you continue to shape and reshape us into the church you would have us be.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us pray for all the peoples of the world.
People may quietly voice their prayers
God of startling diversity, teach us to see with sacred eyes, recognizing your image stamped on every human face. We hear the prophet’s words of peace and pray for the day when weapons will turn into tools for planting and nations shall not seek to annihilate one another. Ignite the light of hope in all the leaders of this world—especially in Syria and Iran, and all the other countries where there is war or the threat of war. Remind all your people that you are to be the judge between nations and that we are to seek peace and pursue it so that one day we will learn war no more.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us pray for our nation and those who lead it.
            People may quietly voice their prayers
God of all nations and all places, lead us to a place of acceptance and justice. Our nation is home to a variety of peoples and cultures with hopes and dreams for lives fully lived. Grant wisdom and humility to those who would lead us. Let us set aside the works of darkness that can divide us and put on the armor of light that will honor all. We live in a country rich with resources and abundance in so much. Grant us the wisdom, courage, and compassion necessary to live simply so that all may live fully.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us pray for all those who are in need of healing.
People may quietly voice their prayers
God of the brokenhearted and downtrodden, be with all those who are without hope. Let us be your agents of mercy and healing. We pray for those who lack the resources they need for medical care, for those who are homeless, and those who are broken in body, mind, or spirit. For those of us enjoying health and wholeness, make us mindful of the responsibility we have to our neighbors, near and far, who are in need.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us pray for those who are grieving.
People may quietly voice their prayers
God of life and death, comfort all those who mourn. We know that you have conquered death, and, yet, our hearts are fragile. As we remember those we love who have died, we trust that you hold them close. During this Advent season, we lift up to you those who face their first Christmas without a loved one–especially those who have died suddenly by violence, war, or suicide. We look to you for the hope that will shine in the darkness of loss.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

Let us give thanks for our blessings.
People may quietly voice their prayers
God of peaceful simplicity and joyful abundance, hear our prayers of gratitude. We live in a world of miracles. As we walk in the light of hope, open our hearts to amazement that we might find contentment in the chaos and delight in the quiet. You have called and created us to be the body of Christ here and now and we are grateful.
O children of God, come,
let us walk in the light of the Lord!

bidding prayer for first sunday Anvent hope
image depicts four Advent candles, with the first one lit for hope. Image was modified from a creative commons public domain image.

RCL – Year A – First Sunday of Advent – December 1, 2013
Isaiah 2:1-5
Psalm 122
Romans 13:11-14
Matthew 24:36-44

Bidding Prayer based on Psalm 126

Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world. (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) God of creation who remains steadfast through our sorrows and our joys, we lift up to you the entire body of Christ in its many forms. Grant us the courage … Read More

Bidding Prayer for God’s People

2013-09-13 14.17.00Come, let us unite in prayer for all God’s people.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of all that is, we ask that you would hear our prayers for the whole of creation. We come before you as your faithful people, asking that you hear our prayers and answer us.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us pray for the church, gathered here an elsewhere.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of all places, your people are scattered throughout the world. Some are free to worship as they wish while others are persecuted for their faith. Open our eyes to the freedoms we have in this country and grant us the courage to stand with those who are dying for their faith in you. No matter our differences, we are the body of Christ. We pray for the leaders of all Christian denominations, and those of other faith traditions, that we may unite to create peace in your name.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us pray for all the peoples of the world.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God whose love knows no boundaries, may our lives be reflections of your grace. So many people live exiled from their homes and families. We offer prayers for all those who have no homes to return to. In gratitude for home and safety, we ask you grant us the courage to welcome those who come seeking sanctuary and a place to begin again.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us pray for all those who hold positions of leadership and power.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of all nations, forgive us for the ways in which we turn from peace and justice. You would have us grow and flourish wherever we are. Because you would have a world that lives in harmony, we lift up to you those with the power to make changes, to find alternatives to war, and offer help and hope to those who suffer. May your people unite in transforming the nations of the world into places of hope and harmony.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us pray for all those in need of healing.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God who brings hope to healing, we lift up to you all who are wounded in body, mind, or spirit.  You healed ten lepers and only one returned to give you thanks. May all who experience healing return to give you thanks and praise. Touch the broken places of our lives and remind us of your great love for each of us.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us pray for those who sit in the darkness of grief.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of life and light, we know that your love carries us throughout eternity. Yet, the loss of a loved one fills us with deep pain. We lift up to you all who suffer loss, especially those who grieve a life lost in war or violence or suicide. Grant us compassion and wisdom as we tend to those in need of your light.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.


Let us offer gratitude and praise for the many blessings of our lives.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of abundant life, we thank you for the ways in which you have blessed our lives. When we stop to breathe and be still, we know that you are present and active in the world and in our lives. Like the one leper who returned to you, we praise you and thank you for our lives. Open us to your abundance that we may share your grace with joy.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.

RCL – Year C – Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost – October 13, 2013

Jeremiah 29:1, 4-7 with Psalm 66:1-12 or
2 Kings 5:1-3,7-15c with Psalm 111
2 Timothy 2:8-15
Luke 17:11-19

A Bidding Prayer for Neighbors

Come, let us pray for all God’s children.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of wisdom and mystery, you populated the earth with the diversity of humanity. You delight in our differences and rejoice when we shine with the light of your love. Yet, we struggle to love our neighbors and to show mercy to those in need. Every time we turn away with eyes averted, you long for us to open our hearts. You created us all in your image. Teach us to embrace one another with your mercy.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come let us pray for our neighbors who make up the body of Christ.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of love and justice, you would have us be one body. Instead we have become masters of division. Too often we focus on our rules instead of embodying your commandment to love one another as you love us. You call us to glorify you with our worship and with our lives. Show us how to open our doors, step out of our pews, and welcome all our neighbors – without conditions and without judgment.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come let us pray for our neighbors whom we call friends and those who are strangers.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of many faces and many names, you take delight in all of your creation. Where any are gathered in your name, you are there. Your love knows no bounds or conditions. Your creation contained no border markers or country distinctions until we drew them on a map. Your intention was that we share the earth’s resources with one another. Instead we fight for power and control of resources even when it means there are those who go without. Soften our hearts that we may see that the time for mercy is now. We have enough, more than enough to share with our neighbors who may have need.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, let us pray for our neighbors in this country.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of all nations, we pray for our country and those who lead it. You are reflected in the great variety of all the peoples who live here. You are worshipped in many ways in many languages and none are better than others. We are all neighbors here – women and men, children and elders, foreign born and born here, English speakers and broken English speakers, able bodied and disabled, educated and uneducated, healthy and sick, rich and poor, employed and unemployed, straight and gay, single and married, religious and not religious – all are equal in your sight. May the day soon arrive when we and the leaders of this country recognize you in all whom we meet.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, let us pray for our neighbors in need of healing.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of power and promise, you call us to care for those who cannot care for themselves. We want to respond to this call, yet we often find ourselves turning away from the weakest among us. We don’t want to be neighbors with the Russian prisoners suffering from tuberculosis or the African men, women, and children who live with AIDS, or the Americans who are tormented with mental illness. We want those who are sick to keep their germs away from us. Grant us compassion enough to offer earnest prayers for healing and courage enough to reach out in genuine kindness.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, let us pray for our neighbors who are grieving.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of life and hope, we know that many people in this community and in the world around us are grieving the loss of a loved one. Bring comfort to those who believe they will never feel peace again. Bring hope to those who are lost in the empty darkness of new grief. Ease the anger of those who have lived through a sudden loss, the survivors of suicide or homicide. Let us be true neighbors for any and all who are grieving today.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Come, let us give thanks to God for all our neighbors.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of all neighbors, we give you thanks for all the people in our lives – those we love and those who challenge us to love more fully. We thank you for our neighbors who have shown us mercy and taught us to be more merciful. Thank you for our neighbors who share our lives and give us comfort. Thank you also for those who make us uncomfortable and stretch us beyond our imaginings. We are blessed to live in a world with such startling and amazing diversity. May our lives be filled with gratitude for your abundant grace and mercy revealed to us in all our neighbors.
Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come. Amen.

2012-09-22 12.48.15RCL – Year C – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost – July 14, 2013
Amos 7:7-17 with Psalm 82 or
Deuteronomy 30:9-14 with Psalm 25:1-10
Colossians 1:1-14
Luke 10:25-37

Bidding Prayer for Pentecost

Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

Spirit of Life, on this day of celebration, we ask you to set our hearts on fire. May we have ears to hear your Word spoken in the world today and lives courageous enough                    to embrace the wonders of your church everywhere.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us pray for the United Church of Christ, here and elsewhere.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Spirit of Refining Fire, burn away all that is within us that keeps us from following you. Remind  us that you claim us and name us your beloved children. While the world is full of fear and anxiety, violence and hatred, you shape us into a people of peace and trust, strength and grace. We can learn from the past, but we will not encounter you by looking backward. Grant us the wisdom to respond to the intense fire of your Spirit. We thank you for all those called to lead the United Church of Christ, especially for Geoffrey Black our minister and president, Gary Schulte our conference minister, and all those called to lead your people. Let the flames of your spirit light up the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ to kindle our passion for loving and serving you.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us pray for all the peoples of the world.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Spirit who hovered over Creation’s waters, draw near to all peoples of the world. Unite us in our humanity, as part of the whole of creation. Enable us to stand, unbending, against injustice finding strength and courage in you. War, poverty, hunger, and disregard for the rights of others does not honor you. May we forgive our enemies and seek the forgiveness of those we have wronged. We call on the power of your Spirit to guide us into the fullness of creation, that we may be true stewards of all that we have and all that we are.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us pray for our nation and those who lead it.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Enduring Spirit, you remain with us when we shine as a beacon of hope, when we signal only distress, and when we are completely lost. Your presence brings hope and possibility even when we fail to hear your whispers of all things possible. Like many countries, our nation struggles to find identity, safety, and direction in a world where peace seems impossible and violence seems normal. Be with those who lead this country, especially Barak Obama. May they all seek the wisdom of your guidance as they endeavor to meet the needs of all those who call this nation home.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us pray for all those who are in need of healing.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Healing Spirit, we so often fail to see those who struggle for health of body, mind, or spirit. We lift them up to you and ask that you our eyes to all those who need us to act compassionately and kindly. We know that there are wounds we cannot see and pain that is kept hidden. Even as we are grateful for the abundance of life in you, we lift up to you all those who are in need of your loving, gentle touch.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us pray for all those who grieve.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Spirit of Resurrection Power, we lift up to you all whose hearts are broken. You work in the deepest darkness to bring forth your light. You are the One who binds up the broken hearted and the One who conquered death. Bring comfort, hope, and healing to all those who grieve.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.

Let us give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received.

(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

Pentecost Spirit who sets disciples on fire, we cannot begin to name all the blessings we have received. May our gratitude be as mighty as your winds. Blow afresh through our lives and our worship that we may truly give you all glory. May we live with your Spirit burning within us, showing forth your love and joy in our worship and in our lives. Hear the prayers of your people. We pray in Christ’s name.

Trusting in God’s steadfast love we pray,
Come, Holy Spirit, come.


RCL – Year C – Pentecost – May 19, 2013canada_25_bg_061904

Acts 2:1-21 or Genesis 11:1-9
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b
Romans 8:14-17 or Acts 2:1-21
John 14:8-17 [25-27]



photo from

Easter Bidding Prayer

Since this is a very busy week for clergy, I’ve decided to post early. This is a bidding prayer following the traditional format. Feel free to use it and adapt it to fit your congregation. photo from Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world.        (silence or … Read More