Love Knows Your Name: a Story for Christmas 2024
A story for Christmas about a conversation between the moon and the sun.
A story for Christmas about a conversation between the moon and the sun.
It was something amazing to watch how people came to honor the baby Jesus. Matilda the Minnesota Moose watched and listened until she couldn’t stay awake any longer…
On the brink of a New Year, perhaps it’s time we learn something from Sophia and the Logos, something we maybe should have learned a long time ago. We’ve endured 2020 and 2021. The predictions for the next couple of months in terms of COVID are pretty ugly given the omicron variant’s high contagion rates. … Read More
Mary and Joseph lost Jesus. Before we judge we should ask if we know where Jesus is.
Yes, it has been a difficult year on a global scale, one of the hardest in modern history. The grief we carry will not dissipate when the ball drops at midnight and the year changes to 2021.
New Christmas children’s sermon – story, video, and reading – free to use
On Christmas Day an old hotel burned to the ground in Minneapolis, MN. It was a building with a lengthy history and it was the residence of those on shelter waiting lists. The hotel had not been well-maintained and wasn’t a particularly safe place to live. Yet, it was what was available to those who … Read More
I have a lot of sympathy for Mary and Joseph when they lost track of Jesus. He simply wasn’t where they thought he was. They had to retrace their steps, searching everywhere, anxiety growing with each passing minute. When they finally found him in the Temple, they were incredulous. Jesus was matter-of-fact. How could they … Read More
If your house is anything like mine, there are remnants of Christmas everywhere. There’s the tree with a string of lights not quite working. There’s a box of wrapping paper and cardboard waiting to go out to the recycle bin. There’s a not-so-tidy stack of decorations that never made it to the tree. The new … Read More
On this holy night when we remember Jesus’ birth, let us pray for all the children of the earth, and those who parent them. People may quietly or silently voice their prayers God who claims us all as beloved children, as we remember the birth of Jesus, we pray for all the children of the … Read More