A Circle of Light – A Poem for Advent 4C
This poem is written for Advent 3C after reflecting on Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:46-55.
This poem is written for Advent 3C after reflecting on Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:46-55.
The problem is that most of us do not alter our roads home after we encounter Empire; we just continue on as if nothing happened.
With all that is going on in the world right now, no one needs to hear about “outer darkness” or “weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Not only would this be unhelpful, it would likely be unhealthy as well. Yes, the Gospel of Matthew has an intensity, an urgency, that is not present in the other … Read More
I am distressed and disappointed at how this election is going. A landslide for Biden and other Democrats would have made a strong statement against white supremacy, militarized police, children in cages, homophobia, transphobia, misogyny and all the other ills of the current administration. How is it that nearly 50% of this country can believe … Read More
I wonder what church would be like if we dropped everything except the two greatest commandments. What would worship be like if it was focused on expressing our love for God with all our hearts, souls, and minds? What would kinship and missions be like if we focused all our activities on loving our neighbors … Read More
I’m taking a class on discernment this fall as part of a graduate certificate program in spiritual direction. Up until now I had always considered discernment as the process of making big life decisions and was startled to discover that discernment is best when it is an intentional part of daily life. I say “intentional” … Read More
It’s no secret that I’m not much of a gardener. Last spring, like many others, I planted more than usual. Or, at least, I tried. None of the herbs I tried to grow from seed succeeded because I started them too late and transferred them outside before they were strong enough. The tomatoes I grew … Read More
As I write, I am aware that September is National Suicide Prevention Month and September 10th is World Suicide Prevention Day. It’s the prefect time to talk about God’s love, forgiveness, and mercy and how they save lives, or could if congregations could grasp hold of them in meaningful, transformative ways. Let’s start with the … Read More
Anyone remember the story of Moses and the burning bush? It isn’t really the cute children’s story we might have learned in Sunday School. And it isn’t one of those stories that had meaning then and is unclear for today. With the shooting of Jacob Blake last week and the Uprisings in Minneapolis last night, … Read More
in a Roman stronghold, You asked your first disciples a seemingly simple questionyet You asked them to put their lives on the line for You their answers could be, should be treasonous to the ears of the Empire Who do you say that I am? a worthy question, even now, especially nowwe live in another Empire … Read More