Fear and Its Friends: A Poem for Lent 1
Fear has a lot of friends and doesn’t hesitate to bring them along.
Fear has a lot of friends and doesn’t hesitate to bring them along.
Love isn’t always what we think it is, nor is it always easy.
Joy may feel wrong these days. However, true Joy is an act of resistance.
snow falls like rain blanketing everything dampening sound softening edges creating a soft newness to cover over winter dreariness every flake unique yet united their descent one means so little might not even be noticed yet when they gather even in their delicate shapes they can’t be missed for some snow is a nuisance yet … Read More
Enjoy a stroll through an Advent night with this poem about Hope.
This is a poem about winter coming early and so much more. May we all be aware of Creation’s yearnings.
we are meant to sing the song of Creation
join our voices with the river, the soil, the trees
They moved from enslavement to liberation
through a parted sea
across a wilderness
and a river.
Miram played her timbrel then.
They packed up what they could carry
while the blood of lambs dried on lintels
and God passed over.
Miram placed her timbrel then.
The failure to recognize the obvious
always catches me by surprise.
Long, long ago Samuel told the people of God
that no good could come from the rule of kings.
They insisted on being like all other nations.
And along came the kings
who took their children for soldiers and servants,
their goods and grains for self-serving purposes.
Still, they did not learn.