Temptations: A Prayer of Confession for Lent 1C Luke 4:1-13
Awaken us to your presence in this world, especially in the fearful and chaotic places. War is not yours. Hate does not come from you. Division is not what you desire for us.
Awaken us to your presence in this world, especially in the fearful and chaotic places. War is not yours. Hate does not come from you. Division is not what you desire for us.
Note: I’m on vacation this week so this post is not based on the RCL. You are welcome to use this bidding prayer if you wish. If you have virtual services and would like to use my four minute recording of a shorter version of this prayer, with candle lighting, you can find the video … Read More
The Backside of God This season rests heavily upon the earth pressed down on us with waves of sickness made unforgettable by loss of life, of livelihood, of loved ones, of safe harbor driven home by super storms swirling with ever-increasing force and wild fires devouring acre after acre letting scorched and scarred earth speak … Read More
Holy One, you are like no other god—a lesson you have tried to teach us again and again. Though Abraham expected you to need the sacrifice of Isaac, you did not. You ask us to unbind ourselves from the pain-filled destructive ways of old. You ask us to rid ourselves of our ties to racism … Read More
Litany of Prayer for George Floyd originally written for an Interfaith Vigil on 5/28/2020 Based on Psalm 130, Quran Chapter 5, Verses 27-32, Matthew 22:36-40 One: Out of the depths we cry to you, Holy One. Hear the cries from our lips and from our hearts. As we lament the death of George Floyd, … Read More
Shepherding God, my desire is to follow you to those green pastures and still waters. I want to rest in you. Yet, rest is rare in these days of crisis, and stillness if fraught with exhaustion. Caring for your people, and finding the right path through this deep valley weighs heavily on my spirit. I … Read More
Ever-patient God, Jeremiah’s ancient words stir within me You let truth tumble from his lips down through the ages to land on my restless spirit sour grapes are frequently easier to ingest than the word You would inscribe on my heart this troubling truth awakens desire in me yet do I reach for society’s sour … Read More
Amazing and merciful God, how easy it is for us to forget that we are your delight. You we rejoice when we follow your holy ways and envision a future of goodness and grace for all your people. We blame you for divisions and strife. We justify our wars by saying that you are on … Read More
With hopes that we, like Mary, may find favor with God, let us join together in praying for all who share the sacred journey to Bethlehem. People may quietly or silently voice their prayers God who leads through example, be with all who seek the Christ-child who waits for us. Remind us that road is … Read More
in the shadow of the cross in the echoes of the empty tomb in the busyness of everyday in the restlessness of the night to what does my life bear witness? some days I forget for part of the day (or the whole of it) some days I forget that my life is a living … Read More