Lifesaving Church In-Person Author Event Page

Rachael has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences, as well as a workshop leader in many local and regional settings, and an interviewee for various podcasts and media channels. Visit Rachael’s CV for a more complete list of places, settings, and topics covered in these various appearances.

Here are a few examples to start with.

The Raven Foundation Interview

RavenCast Interview

Here is an example of a long form, unstructured interview, this one with Adam Ericksen, of The Raven Foundation, discussing Mental Wellness, Suicide Prevention and the Church.

Rachael Keefe suicie Prevention Conference

Regional Conference Keynote

This conference address on Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention took place at the United Church of Christ Mental Health Network WISE Conference, on May 25, 2017.

Rachael Keefe Zoom Webinar

Virtual “Zoom” Forum

This was one of many, many virtual webinar-style forums on suicide prevention, mental health and faith communities for a church in Omaha, NE on Feb. 6, 2021, held via Zoom due to COVID, and the Zoom format works really well.

preaching at City of Refuge UCC

Preaching at City of Refuge UCC

A wonderful opportunity to share space and community, and a mental health sermon at City of Refuge UCC in Oakland, CA, Bishop Flunder’s church, on Mar. 17, 2019.

If you are interested in interviewing Rachael, or inquiring about Rachael’s availability to speak at your conference or other event, please use the contact page to reach out. Please include some details about your inquiry along with your best contact info for a prompt response.

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