category: Musings

A Lesson From Nicodemus

By Rachael Keefe

RCL – June 3, 2012 – Trinity Sunday, First Sunday after Pentecost Isaiah 6:1-8 Psalm 29 Romans 8:12-17 John 3:1-17 This week’s gospel reading contains one of the most frequently cited scripture verses. It seems that at every sporting event there are signs with “John 3:16” written on them. To …

A Lesson From Nicodemus

RCL – June 3, 2012 – Trinity Sunday, First Sunday after Pentecost

Isaiah 6:1-8
Psalm 29
Romans 8:12-17
John 3:1-17

This week’s gospel reading contains one of the most frequently cited scripture verses. It seems that at every sporting event there are signs with “John 3:16” written on them. To be honest, I’m never quite sure what the point of these signs are. Has anyone ever converted to Christianity because of one of these signs at a football game? Probably not. Moreover, I can think of several other passages that might be much more intriguing to the reader. I mean, why not hold up a sign that says, “Would you marry a prostitute? Come to church on Sunday to find out.” Or “Your neighbor really loves you. Discover your neighbor in worship.” I bet these kinds of signs would at least raise an eyebrow or two; “John 3:16” probably doesn’t do much. Personally, I find this a bit ironic. Nicodemus sought Jesus out in the night because of “signs.” Who is going seek Jesus because of these modern day signs?

Much has been made of Nicodemus through the centuries. I’m not sure why, really. I mean it seems Nicodemus’ reasons for seeking Jesus out “by night” aren’t all that mysterious. He was a man in power who had a desire to know something more about this Jesus of Nazareth who was shaking things up. He wanted Jesus to answer his questions, but he wasn’t willing to risk his colleagues finding out for all sorts of reasons. If every Christian were brutally honest, we’d probably all admit that there have been times when we’ve gone to Jesus in the dark, asking questions that we hope no one will ever hear about. And if we stay in the moment of honesty, we will also admit that sometimes the answers are just as confusing as Jesus’ answer to Nicodemus was, at least when Nicodemus heard it.

I’m not all that thrilled with Jesus’ answer, either. Or, rather, what has been done with it. I don’t think for a minute that Nicodemus was “born anew” in that moment with Jesus. Who would be? The words were so fresh and new and just plain weird. But Nicodemus showed up for Jesus later so they must have sunken in and changed him quite a bit. Nicodemus would likely have given up a lot of his power and social standing to publicly stand up for Jesus. But that night when he left Jesus, Nicodemus was just as much in the dark as when he arrived.

And this is where the hope is for me. I would like everyone in the world to have opportunity to be born “anew,” to have an opportunity to see things from a place of the Spirit. It isn’t that I think everyone has to be Christian, or even should be. I would just like to see people live in a saving place, rather than a condemning place. I truly believe that anyone who has encountered Jesus – in the middle of the night or broad daylight – seeks to save, not to condemn.

For clarity’s sake, let me say that when I say “save,” I don’t necessarily mean it the way many Christians do. Here, I mean it as a way of living that seeks justice, practices love, and works toward peace. Condemnation is not what Jesus offered. Why do so many Christians offer condemnation in Jesus’ name?

On the surface, it doesn’t look like Nicodemus has much to do with current events. But I think this his story could be very helpful in the way we view the world. It is easy to shake our heads and turn away from the problems in the world. It is easy to pass judgment and distance ourselves from conflicts in our communities. It is easy to distract ourselves with busyness and wait for the difficulties to pass. I mean, really, who wants to listen to more news about the increase in violence in Syria? Or shootings in a cafe in Seattle? Or more questions about Obama’s birth certificate? Or concerns about a Mormon being president? Or the fragility of the Eurozone? Or global warming? Or healthcare cuts? Or the poor job market? The list goes on and on and varies very little from week to week.

Do any of these things keep us awake at night? What questions do we whisper to Jesus when no one else can hear? Do the answers require that we be born anew? Are we reluctant to let the Spirit blow where it wills? It isn’t easy. I don’t know about you, but I want to live salvation and share it in a way that yields more justice than apathy, more possibility than destruction. Surely, this is possible. If Jesus didn’t condemn anyone, why should any of us who seek to follow him?

Come, Holy Spirit, Come.

May God give strength to God’s people!
  May God bless God’s people with peace!

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About Rachael Keefe

Rachael is an author, a pastor, a teacher, and a poet. Her latest book (The Lifesaving Church - Chalice Press) is on faith and suicide prevention. She is currently the pastor of Living Table UCC in Minneapolis, and has launched a spiritual direction practice.

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    • I just saw this comment; it had gone to the spam filter (which I didn’t really know existed). Thank you for reading! Also, very glad you found it to be pleasant!


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