category: Prayer

Easter Bidding Prayer

By Rachael Keefe

Since this is a very busy week for clergy, I’ve decided to post early. This is a bidding prayer following the traditional format. Feel free to use it and adapt it to fit your congregation. photo from Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world. …

Easter Bidding Prayer

Since this is a very busy week for clergy, I’ve decided to post early. This is a bidding prayer following the traditional format. Feel free to use it and adapt it to fit your congregation.


photo from

Come, let us unite in prayer for the church throughout the world.
       (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns)

God of Resurrection and Life, let no one who calls on you stand in the shadow of the empty tomb on this Easter Day. May all Christians be united in the joy of your abundance and the light of your love.

O give thanks to God,
For Christ has risen today.

Let us pray for the United Church of Christ, here and elsewhere.
       (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God of Immeasurable Love, open us to power of your love for the world. We often stand in judgment of one another even though you show no partiality to those who serve you and do what is right. We thank you for all those called to lead the United Church of Christ, especially for Geoffrey Black our minister and president, Gary Schulte our conference minister, and all those gathered here. Let your let your love fill the New Hampshire Conference of the United Church of Christ to remind us why we gather and lead us to new life in you.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever.

Let us pray for all the peoples of the world.
       (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God of Forgiveness and Redemption, you gave your life because you so loved the world. The distinctions we make among ourselves don’t matter in your eyes and they should not matter in our hearts. With trembling awe we stand at your empty tomb and ask you to take away our blindness, ignorance, and fear. Let us stand firm against injustice and oppression. Forgive us when we turn to war and violence to settle our differences. Teach us your ways of life that we may truly become Easter People.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever. 

Let us pray for our nation and those who lead it.
(silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God of Startling Joy, turn us away from the emptiness of the early morning tomb and toward the dazzling brightness of life with you. This nation struggles to find hope and peace, relying too much on those who use fear and intimidation to satisfy their own greed. Awaken us to the possibilities of life and change if we have the courage to follow you. Be with those who lead this country, especially Barak Obama. Guide them in all decisions that one day we may be a nation of peace and justice for all who make this country home.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever. 

Let us pray for all those who are in need of healing.
      (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God of Life and Hope, while we sing your praises and renew our faith in you, we know that there are many who suffer. We ask you to raise to new life all those struggle for health in body, mind, or spirit. Remove from us our complacency and move us to compassion when we encounter the lost and lonely, the homeless and hopeless, and the exhausted and ignored who live in our midst. Free us from the fears that bind us and use us to bring the good news of resurrection to all who are in need.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever. 

Let us pray for all those who grieve.
       (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God of life who conquered death, we lift up to you all those who are grieving the loss of loved ones. Bring comfort to those who mourn even while we celebrate your power over death. We give you thanks for all those who have loved and served you.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever. 

Let us give thanks to God for all the blessings we have received.
       (silence or a time for people to quietly give voice to their concerns) 

God who died and rose again so that we might live, may we honor you with hearts filled with gratitude. We celebrate the life you have given us and pray for the courage to glorify you. You have gathered us to be your body in this place. Today it feels easy as we sing with joy of your resurrection. In the times of difficulty and suffering, may we not forget that we live in the power that raised you from the dead. With you, all things good and right are possible. We seek to follow in your way and glorify you in our worship and in our lives. Hear the prayers of your people. We pray in the name of the Risen Christ.

O give thanks to God,
For God’s steadfast love endures forever. 


RCL – Year C – Easter Sunday – March 31, 2013

Acts 10:34-43 or Isaiah 65:17-25
Psalm 118:1-2, 14-24
1 Corinthians 15:19-26 or Acts 10:34-43
John 20:1-18 or Luke 24:1-12

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About Rachael Keefe

Rachael is an author, a pastor, a teacher, and a poet. Her latest book (The Lifesaving Church - Chalice Press) is on faith and suicide prevention. She is currently the pastor of Living Table UCC in Minneapolis, and has launched a spiritual direction practice.

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