category: Liturgy

Advent Candle Lighting – Joy

By Rachael Keefe

Bonus post this week. This is a litany for lighting the third Advent Candle, Joy. It’s based on Philippians 4:4-7. One:  We are called to rejoice in God always. All:  Always? Even during the echoes of gun shots? One:  Yes. God is not in the violence. God is with those …

Advent Candle Lighting – Joy

Bonus post this week. This is a litany for lighting the third Advent Candle, Joy. It’s based on Philippians 4:4-7.


One:  We are called to rejoice in God always.
All:  Always? Even during the echoes of gun shots?
One:  Yes. God is not in the violence. God is with those who bring comfort and healing. So, yes, rejoice always.
All:  Always? Even while AIDS and HIV continue to afflict so many?
One:  Yes. God is not in the virus. God is with those who seek to live, with those who offer care, and those who work for a cure. So, yes, rejoice always.
All:  Always? Even when people are hungry and homeless?
One:  Yes. God is not in despair and poverty. God is with those who struggle from day to day, those who offer assistance, and those who work toward change. So, yes, rejoice always.
All:  Always? Even when racism is spouted by politicians and terrorists seem to be everywhere?
One: Yes. God is not in the hatred or the bombs. God is with People of Color, with faithful people of all religions, and those who work for justice. So, yes, rejoice always.
All:  Always? Even here when I wrestle with my own anxiety, or anger, or illness, or addiction, or any other unhealthy distraction?
One:  Yes. God is not in pain or self-negating feelings. God is with us as we strive to be in community, to care for one another, and to bring hope, peace, and joy into the world. So, yes, rejoice always.
All: The candles of hope and peace are already lit. The candle of joy will add more light and remind us to be joyful always for God is with us here and now. As this Advent journey continues, we will rejoice always.

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About Rachael Keefe

Rachael is an author, a pastor, a teacher, and a poet. Her latest book (The Lifesaving Church - Chalice Press) is on faith and suicide prevention. She is currently the pastor of Living Table UCC in Minneapolis, and has launched a spiritual direction practice.

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