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category: Liturgy

Temptations: A Prayer of Confession for Lent 1C Luke 4:1-13

By Rachael Keefe

Awaken us to your presence in this world, especially in the fearful and chaotic places. War is not yours. Hate does not come from you. Division is not what you desire for us.

Temptations: A Prayer of Confession for Lent 1C Luke 4:1-13

Forgive us when…
	we think only the rich deserve good food 
                 and blame those who are hungry for their unhealthy choices. 
	our cupboards are full and we complain that there is nothing we want to eat
		and we only donate outdated canned goods to the local food shelf.
	we soothe or reward ourselves with foods that do not satisfy
		and condemn others who bodies don’t fit our perceived norms.
Remind us that…
	all people deserve access to nourishing foods
		and people go hungry because of oppressive systems we create and sustain.
	only when those of us who have more give freely from the best of stores
		will we begin to address the needs of our hungry neighbors.
	not one of us lives by food alone
		and you claim every human as your beloved.

Forgive us when…
	we worship, idolize, or admire those with wealth and power
		and blame our neighbors who live without their daily needs being met.
	we forget that we are supposed to be repairing what generations before us have broken
		and choose to perpetuate systems of oppression because we are afraid of change	we buy into the       
        myths of the Empire and believe that people get what they deserve
		and continue to contribute to the lies that sustain fear, division, and hatred.

Remind us that…
	we are created in Love, with Love, for Love 
		and you ask us to Love our neighbors as ourselves without exception.
	we are called to be stewards over all of Creation
		and you ask us to dismantle systems of oppression and liberate all your people.
	we are members of your Bodymind before we are citizens of the Empire
                and we are in service to you when we seek liberation and justice for the whole of Creation.

Forgive us when…
	we abdicate responsibility for oppression, war, hatred, and violence
		and wait for you to fix what we have broken.
	we pretend that you favor the privileged with blessing of wealth and power
		and those who struggle in any way are cursed by you.
	we believe you will intervene to keep us healthy and safe from the threats of this world
                and choose not to act in ways that protect the vulnerable among us, including the Earth itself.

Remind us that…
        your angels will protect us when we engage in dismantling White supremacy everywhere
                and respond with the same outrage to the war in Ukraine and the genocide in Myanmar.
	wealth, power, and privilege have nothing to do with blessings from you
                and your Love claims those we marginalize, dehumanize, devalue, and neglect without demanding they  
                       change to meet social norms first.
        your Wisdom comes to us through nature, science, and technology and we are all part of one Bodymind and  
                cannot cut off our vulnerable members.

Holy God, as we come into this Lenten season, free us from these temptations and the lesser ones that lead us away from your holy ways. Awaken us to your presence in this world, especially in the fearful and chaotic places. War is not yours. Hate does not come from you. Division is not what you desire for us. May we discover anew your Love for the whole of the Cosmos so that we may become agents of Peace, Love, and Unity—creating sanctuary for refugees, liberation for those who are oppressed, and healing community for those who are on the edges. Help us to free ourselves from the lies of Empire that we may truly serve you by loving and serving all our neighbors. Amen.

RCL – Lent 1 C – March 4, 2022 – Deuteronomy 26:1-11  • Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16  • Romans 10:8b-13  • Luke 4:1-13

Image courtesy of Gerd Altmann via pixabay

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