category: Poetry

Peace Poem for Advent 2 B

By Rachael Keefe

snow falls like rain blanketing everything dampening sound softening edges creating a soft newness to cover over winter dreariness every flake unique yet united their descent one means so little might not even be noticed yet when they gather even in their delicate shapes they can’t be missed for some …

Peace Poem for Advent 2 B

snow falls like rain
blanketing everything
dampening sound
softening edges
creating a soft newness
to cover over winter dreariness

every flake unique
yet united their descent
one means so little
might not even be noticed
yet when they gather
even in their delicate shapes
they can’t be missed

for some snow is a nuisance
yet Creation drinks it in
even if not until spring
and while it falls fresh
clean and cold
who does not hear
the whispered melodies
of peace and hope
and childhood joy
wrapped up in memories
of snow angels and forts
melted long ago?

we should take our cue from snow
gather our delicate shapes
in ways that cannot be missed
insisting on blanketing the world
with deeds of peace and hope
congregating with all
who seek to offer
the love and joy
the whole of Creation
could drink in

some would think us a nuisance
yet the end of violence
far worse than winter dreariness
would change everything
for far longer than
snow that falls like rain
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About Rachael Keefe

Rachael is an author, a pastor, a teacher, and a poet. Her latest book (The Lifesaving Church - Chalice Press) is on faith and suicide prevention. She is currently the pastor of Living Table UCC in Minneapolis, and has launched a spiritual direction practice.

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