We fool ourselves thinking that love is easy love is natural while we confuse love with so many other things We love food and pets children and friends spouses and cars with no distinction in our language All the while wondering if we are worthy of love if we are loveable enough if we need to do more have more be more to receive the love we crave Advent Love is none of this Advent Love does not care about our possessions or bank accounts if we do nothing with them for the sake of our neighbors Advent Love is the opposite of our empty words and ambivalent actions If Love were as easy as we pretend it is Christmas would be unnecessary God would not have needed to break into our hard, cold world with an infant vulnerable homeless fragile just to ease our fears The Advent of Love is an ancient calling an old, old song whose lyrics we have long lost a melody sung to the whole of the Cosmos inviting us into all things possible now The Love we long for is here in and through us all woven through the rhythms of Creation we seldom notice When we arrive at the manger this year may we notice the ancient song being sung once more inviting us to Love our neighbors as ourselves in ways the break the bonds of Empire and free us all to live in peace the peace on earth promised to all when the angels proclaimed the first birth We are notes in that song instruments of Hope Peace Joy Love playing together in a symphony of promise We are the Love come down at Christmas changing our tune is long overdue
Re-awakening to Love: A Poem for Advent 4B
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Beautiful! Thanks!
Thanks for taking the time to comment. Glad you liked it, Peggy!