Lifesaving Church In-Person Author Event Page

category: Poetry, Prayer

Weak and/or Lovely

By Rachael Keefe

Holy One where we see weakness you often see loveliness In Jacob you saw a future unimagined as he lied and deceived ran and scrambled to eke out a living You gave him dreams and opened his heart to love slowly transforming him from selfish fool to father of a …

Weak and/or Lovely

beach-1822598_1920.jpgHoly One
where we see weakness
you often see loveliness
In Jacob you saw a future unimagined
as he lied and deceived
ran and scrambled to eke out a living
You gave him dreams
and opened his heart to love
slowly transforming him
from selfish fool
to father of a nation
whose legacy yet lives

Gracious God
You would make us lovely
even in our weakness
When we fail to see value
in ourselves, in our neighbors,
in your creation, or in you
you claim us as your own
and wait for us to see as you see
You would open us to love
even as the world turns away
seemingly embracing hatred,
violence, deception, and despair
Transform us from fearful fools
into a people whose weakness
is lovely

Merciful God
We are weak
We give in to fear and hatred
We listen to powerful voices
whose only desire is to keep us silent
slaves to shame, ignorance, and division
Make us lovely
Teach us
extravagant love and radical hospitality
Empower us
to liberate, to learn, to heal
for your sake
and for ours

Amazing God
Our sight is limited
Our dreams are small
You offer us a kingdom without limits
and we hide from the liberation
your vision brings
Heaven and all its beauty
is here and now
ours for the asking
if only we let go of ourselves
step into your great love for us
and open our eyes
to see you all around us

Dear God
we are weak
and lovely
short-sighted and visionary
fearful and fierce
We would be as Jacob
human and holy
if you would but touch us
with Grace


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RCL – Year A – Eighth Sunday after Pentecost
Genesis 29:15–28 with Psalm 105:1–11, 45b or Psalm 128
1 Kings 3:5-12 with Psalm 119:129-136
Romans 8:26–39
Matthew 13:31–33, 44–52

Photo: CC0 image by Sasin Tipchai

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